The footwear you need before running -

The footwear you need before running

Do you like running ? What kind of shoe will you choose as your running partner? If you run you probably care about your shoes!


But the debate is endless – do we need arch support, pronation control, and cushion to protect our feet? Maybe not. We believe that our bodies can carry us without all that shoe technology, and that barefoot running shoes are better in the long run.


Recent research indicates that humans were able to run comfortably and safely when barefoot or in minimal footwear by landing with a flat foot (mid-foot strike), or by landing on the ball of the foot before bringing down the heel (forefoot strike).


What is Minimalist Footwear?

Harvard University defines minimal footwear as, "any footwear that lacks high-cushioned heels, stiff soles and arch support."

There are several options of minimal shoes available. To mimic the barefoot running styles of our ancestors, many minimalist runners adopt "barefoot" shoes, or foot gloves.

These shoes offer no heel cushion and minimal protection from hazards. Those who want slightly more support, cushion or additional traction, may want to choose a racing flat.


What is the benefit of barefoot running shoes ?

Barefoot shoes encourage a low-impact gait: A lower heel-to-toe drop naturally encourages you to land more on your midfoot or forefoot rather than your heel. Minimalist shoes won’t automatically alter your gait, but they can be a good teaching tool if you want to learn how to run with a midfoot or forefoot strike. (No study has definitively proven that heel striking causes more injuries than forefoot or midfoot striking, but heel striking is generally considered a higher-impact stride.)

Barefoot shoes help you feel the ground: Minimalist shoes’ thin cushioning improves your connection to the terrain beneath your feet. Being more in touch with the ground improves “proprioception,” your body’s ability to fine-tune its running mechanics.

Barefoot shoes are lighter: Minimalist shoes often weigh less than traditional running shoes by several ounces. This means they require slightly less muscle power in your legs to lift your feet off the ground with each stride. Over many miles, these weight savings can add up—as long as you don’t mind the trade-off of less cushioning.


If you’re interested in barefoot shoes, check out our store at . We’re still in big summer sales now. More items more cheaper.

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